Code Enforcement-Property Maintenance Plan
As spring begins and summer is approaching,
the Village of Princeville Code Officer would like to encourage residents to develop a maintenance plan for yard work and property maintenance issues. It is important to put a plan together in early spring to ensure your property is maintained year-round. Garbage must be placed in a container with a tight-fitting lid. Loose trash and litter causes blight and contributes to rodent issues.
Grass and weeds cannot exceed nine inches in length. This includes growth in fence lines, around foundations and at the alley. Often occupants cut the grass but do not eliminate all of the over growth. If there is a privacy fence on the property, the alley side of the fence must be maintained. Tall grass decreases property values and can lead to mosquito issues.
Tree limbs, branches and debris must be removed from the property. Maintenance plans should address branches that fall off during a storm to ensure they are removed in a timely manner. Litter must be removed from the entire property, including the alley, around porches, curb lines and fence lines. Residents are encouraged to support the neighborhood by picking up litter. The garbage contractor will not pick up televisions or tires.
Vehicles may not be parked on an unpaved surface. This includes the front, back and side yards and also along the alley. If you have questions on how to add additional parking to your property, please contact the Code or Zoning Officers for the Village of Princeville. Vehicles parked on the property must be licensed and operable; tags must be current and the vehicle cannot be in disrepair. Inoperable vehicles are a major eyesore and cause blight to our neighborhoods.
Please be considerate of your neighbors and encourage everyone to keep our great community clean and safe.
Village of Princeville Code Enforcement Officer, Dan Sullivan
Dan can be reached at the Village Hall, 309-385-4765