The Hunters Safety Class at St. Mary of the Woods Church in Princeville will be Thursday, July 27 and Friday, July 28.
It is a 10 hour class. It goes from 5:00pm-10:00pm both nights.
You have to be there both nights. They will be serving hot sandwiches, chips and drinks, etc. Parents are welcome to take the class along with their child. The kids should be 10 years old by December 31, 2017. There is no charge for the class.
For information or to sign up for the Hunters Safety Class in July,
email or call Mike Aldrich, or
call (309)385-2127 or (309)229-4090.
Or call Ted Gilles at (309)446-3625 or (309)645-5739
Fall Trap Shoots will be at the Gilles farm at a later date.
Fall Youth Pheasant Hunts will be held the Saturday and Sunday after Thanksgiving day. Mark your Calendars!