Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Princeville Community Calendar 01/07/2014

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Princeville Community Calendar 


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~Happy New Year~ 
From the PCA 

Looking for a New Year's Resolution that could help your neighbors, 
friends and hometown?
Consider making a promise that this year you'll  buy local.

 I know it's a concept we all say we believe in. 
But this year, as a New Year's Resolution, we invite you to take the pledge.

  Buying local is the best way you can show your small business owners and their hardworking employees that you really do appreciate them and want to help them stay and grow here in our community.  

Are you on Facebook?
Princeville Civic Association and The Village of Princeville  both have Facebook pages!  It is another great way to keep informed! 

The next PCA meeting will be Monday, January 13 at 7pm at the Village Hall.  
We will discuss Holiday Homecoming and Heritage Days.    
The PCA is a great way to get involved in your community! 

Lincoln's 150th Anniversary 
and the Princeville Heritage Museum

"Lincoln's address at the dedication of the Gettysburg National Cemetery, November 19, 1863," Library of Congress. http://www.loc.gov/rr/program/bib/ourdocs/Images/gettysburg.jpg 

On November 19, 1863, Lincoln delivered one of his most famous speeches in Gettysburg, Pennsylvania.  He had been invited to give a "few appropriate remarks" during the dedication ceremony for a cemetery for Union soldiers killed at the Battle of Gettysburg.  Despite the brevity of the speech and the fact that it earned little attention at the time, the Gettysburg Address has become one of the most celebrated speeches in U.S. history.

As we observe the 150th anniversary of Lincoln's Gettysburg Address, the Lillie M. Evans Library and the Princeville Heritage Museum would like to publicize the upcoming exhibit, Lincoln: The Constitution and the Civil War which will be on display at the Museum from April 7, 2014 through May 9, 2014.  Organized thematically, the exhibition explores how Lincoln used the Constitution to confront three intertwined crises of the war-the secession of Southern states, slavery, and wartime civil liberties. Visitors will leave the exhibition with a more complete understanding of Abraham Lincoln as president and the Civil War as the nation's gravest constitutional crisis.

A short video walkthrough (10:25 min.) with Dr. Steve Frank, Chief Interpretive Officer at the National Constitution Center in Philadelphia, is available online at
Lincoln: the Constitution and the Civil War, a traveling exhibition for libraries, was organized by the National Constitution Center and the American Library Association Public Programs Office. The traveling exhibition has been made possible by a major grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities.  Lincoln: the Constitution and the Civil War is based on an exhibition of the same name developed by the National Constitution Center.

There will be several programs offered during the exhibit including a tea with Mrs. Lincoln, Illinois in the Civil War with Tom Emery, and a discussion of the anti-slavery movement in the mid-19th century.  If you would like to ensure you are on our mailing list, please email phmdirector@frontier.com  with your contact information and we'll keep you informed about the events.  In addition, watch our websites, http://lmelibrary.org and http://www.princevilleheritagemuseum.com for additional information on this exhibit and the upcoming programs.

Princeville Heritage Museum 

The next gathering to work on equipment at Princeville Heritage Museum is
Thursday, January 9 from 6-8pm.
Depending on weather and other factors, possible projects include;
~complete buzz saw 
~continue work on LeRoi engine
~1941 Farmall H needs check of charging system as well as overall check
~may have a JD H to check starting issue
~need several guys to help get cover on Pearl Harbor float 
~depending on temperature work on 1928 thresher, remove rubber from wheels and add belts just for static display
Please call Roy Maguire, 309-274-2683, to let him know if you will attend or if you have any questions. Refreshments served. 
Princeville Senior Meals Program 

Akron Princeville Fire Department Needs Volunteers!!
Have you ever thought about being a volunteer firefighter? Do you live and or work in Princeville? Now would be the time that you turn that thought of volunteering into a reality. The Akron-Princeville Fire Dept is accepting applications for volunteers. We can not provide top notch service without people to respond. Although we have an immediate need for daytime volunteers, all applications will be considered. Please go to apfd.com or contact any APFD member for an application or if you have questions.
Thank You in advance for your interest in being a volunteer!!!!

 Community Events: 

January Community Coffee
Wednesday, January 8 at Princeville Heritage Museum
Save the Date! 
Snowflake Luncheon
Saturday, February 22 at Princeville Heritage Museum 

Community Coffee 

Lillie M Evans Library
January Events

Community Meetings
All meetings are open to the public!  Everyone welcome!
Village of Princeville Board Meeting 
Due to extreme weather conditions,  the Monday, January 6th meeting has been postponed to Wednesday, January 8th at 7:30pm at Village Hall.
Agenda is posted outside Village Hall, 48 hours prior to meeting. 

Princeville Civic Association 
Monday, January 13
7pm at Village Hall

Princeville School District 326 Board of Education Meeting
Tuesday, January 14th
6:30pm at Unit Office

LME Library Board Meeting
Thursday, January 16th
6pm at LME Library meeting room

Village of Princeville Board Meeting 
Tuesday, January 21st
7:30pm at Village Hall 
Agenda is posted outside Village Hall, 48 hours prior to meeting. 

Historical Association of Princeville Board Meeting
Tuesday, January 28th
5pm at Princeville Heritage Museum

Winter Parking Ban
Winter Parking Ban
The Village of Princeville would like to remind residents to move vehicles off of the street if two or more inches of snow are forecast.  It shall be unlawful to allow any vehicle or trailer to remain on any street or alley in the village in such a manner as to interfere with snow removal operations, when the accumulation is forecasted to be two or more inches in depth.  Any car parked on the streets will be towed at the owner's expense.
If you need a place to park a car, you can park in the Princeville public parking lots.  The lot on the northwest corner of Santa Fe and Spring Streets is available.  You may also park in the lot on the southwest corner of E Main and Walnut Streets.  If you do park a car in one of the public lots, please inform Village Hall by calling  385-4765. 
For questions, call Village Hall at 385-4765

Village of Princeville
Ordinances and Reminders
Village of Princeville Residents:  

The Village of Princeville Curfew Ordinance has been amended.
(click on Village Ordinances link below to see this 
and other ordinances)  

It is unlawful for anyone to permit any weeds, grass or plants, or other than trees, bushes, flowers, or other ornamental plants to grow to a height exceeding eight inches anywhere in the Village.  Any such plants or weeds exceeding such height are declared to be a nuisance.  per village ordinance 8.24.020
Burning of lawn waste is allowed on Tuesdays, Thursdays, Saturdays and Sundays. All fires must be put out by sunset.   per village ordinance 9.16.040

Parking Vehicles on Private Property
It shall be unlawful to park any motor vehicles, watercraft, trailers, recreational vehicles or anything else of a vehicular nature in the Village of Princeville unless it is parked on a paved hard surface including asphalt, concrete, brick or rocked material.  per ordinance 10.08.080

Animal tags are available at Village Hall for $2.  Please stop in and register your pet.  per village ordinance 6.08.010.  

                            For questions, please call the Municipal Code Officer 
Village Hall 385-4765. 

You can also check out the Village of Princeville website.  Ordinances regarding zoning, private swimming pools, etc can be found on the website.  
Click on the link below 

Princeville Recycling Calendar for 2014 

To sign up for curbside recycling pick up, contact Eagle Enterprises Recycling at (309) 932-2936 or Toll Free (888)932-2936.
Please click on the link below for the 2014 Recycling Calendar:

Princeville Winning Communities | PO Box 466 | Princeville | IL | 61559

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